Electric Vehicle Charging Station Services
Electric vehicles are becoming an integral part of our nation’s sustainable transportation system for communities and commercial property owners, which means there will be increased demand for electric vehicle charging station installations.
ARCHForensic® LLC offers Electric Vehicle Charging Station preparedness to keep up with technological advancements.
As a property owner, it’s important to consider the following:
- Is your property ready for charging stations?
- Should electric vehicle charging stations be in garages?
- Is it a fire hazard?
- Should sprinklers be installed in garages?
- Should charging stations be located in commercial parking lots?
- Where should electric charging stations be installed?
- Should condominium unit owners have their own charging stations?

ARCHforensic can help answer these questions and more by providing residential, commercial, educational, and other property owners with the following services:
- Feasibility Studies
- Design
- Installation
Before installing an electric vehicle charging station, it is imperative to conduct a feasibility study to help insure the safety of owners, occupants, and invitees.
With the lack of regulations, condominium associations in particular should consider whether electric vehicle charging stations should be sited in common areas versus individual residences and add their own regulations in their bylaws.
The Electric Charging Station Feasibility Study analyzes available power infrastructure, building codes, local zoning, state requirements, the clients’ specific desires and practicality.
To learn more about ARCHForensic’s electric vehicle charging station services, click HERE