CHESTER, NJ – ARCHforensic®️ LLC is pleased to announce its first course approved for one continuing education credit for managers entitled, “Forensic Architecture, Forensic Engineering, Construction Defects and Transitions.”
What does this mean to you? If you hold the esteemed designation “CMCA” through CAMICB and need credits, look no further! Not only will you receive one hour of education credit, but you will be taken on a transition journey through vivid imagery and case studies, while also picking up useful information about buildings, deficiencies and what to look for in your community.
For the time being, we are offering this FREE course via webinar. When restrictions are lifted, this course will be offered in a classroom setting. According to Jennifer Brick, Senior Marketing Consultant at ARCHforensic®, “the education received will provide managers with the insights and knowledge from our experienced architects and engineers so they can better serve their community associations.”
If you would like to schedule this initial course for your management team or have topic ideas for future programs, please contact Jennifer Brick, Senior Marketing Consultant at [email protected]. After completion of this course, your name will be provided to CAMICB for proof of attendance and a certificate will be sent to you at the email address provided at registration.
For more information, please contact us here.